Billie Razor Review


I HATE shaving! It’s always been an issue for me. My skin is pretty light and my leg hair is dark and coarse. All summer my legs have been super itchy. I asked in my women-only private Facebook group about shaving and lots of you recommend the Billie Razor. So I tried It.

Usually I tear my legs up shaving. I’m covered in blood. I’m always in a hurry. I’ve now used the Billie razor and the shave cream twice. I’m posting this picture so you can see the little cuts on my legs. Those are nothing compared to normal. They barely bled. Also my legs haven’t been itchy any more I’ve been using avocado oil on them, but I used that before too. I think next time I’ll get the lotion too and see how that works. My legs feel so much better. Also when I shaved my razor went flat really well on my skin. I like it a lot. I have not used the travel cover yet. Does anyone use the lotion? How do you like it?

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 I’m Erica. I’m a midsize fashion blogger from Southern CA.
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