
Cleaning up tip: Baskets on the stairs

Keeping the house clean tip:
Do you have a pile of stuff on the stairs that you hope your family will take up, but they just walk right over it? Getting bins was a game-changer for me. I have one labeled for each of us, except my oldest because his room is downstairs. As I find stuff around the house I just dump it in each person’s bin. I noticed when I had them on the left they were ignored. I moved the bins to the right side of the stairs and magically they started getting taken up! I teach my kids I drive on the right so we walk on the right. It makes things easier at malls. Lol I also have a bin at the top of the stairs to bring stuff down.

Each person is in charge of putting everything in their bin away every day. If they don’t I can just take the bin for as long as I choose, but I haven’t had to do that. Every day I bugged my family to take their stuff upstairs. I would put it in the middle of the stairs and I swear they would walk around it and later tell me they didn’t see it! Now that I have these bins they take their stuff up! It’s like magic. I used a table maker and put their names on them so it’s like calling them out because you can see who’s bin is empty and who’s is overflowing! If friends come over and you don’t want them to see the mess it’s easy to just grab the bins and shove them in a closet 😂😂😂

The only one who is bad about taking up his bin is my husband! My 6-year-old even has it down!

Hope this helps! Please share any tips on keeping your house clean with kids here!!!

Amazon has a ton of bins that would work for this. Here are some cute ones! Regularly $60 for 4 down to $24. That’s only $6 each.