WORKING HARD OR HARDLY WORKING? Tips for staying focused while working from home during the summer.

The kids are officially on Summer Break! No more distance learning, google meets, or daily homework. I relied on those things as a mom working from home. It was the closest I had to them being at school, which is usually what gives me my quiet time to focus and get work done. With the official close of what was a weird school year thanks to the coronavirus comes endless requests for food, vying for mom’s attention, and the constant itch for something new to do. The distractions are never-ending! Some days, it’s enough to drive me crazy. That’s a lie. Every day, it’s enough to drive me crazy.

I realize there’s a whole new population of working-at-home parents due to quarantine 2020. Moms all over the world experiencing their first summer break with their kids while still having to meet deadlines, respond to emails, and tackle work projects all from the comfort, or maybe the discomfort, of their homes. Moms that have lost the structure of their offices at work and are trying to adjust to the chaos that comes from juggling work from home during summer break. My heart goes out to you! I know how hard it can be!

If you follow me on social media, you know I am a proclaimed hot mess! I don’t pretend to have my life completely together. I’m a mom that struggles with challenges just like everyone else. Working from home is no different. Here are some of the things I’ve learned to help me stay focused while working from home, especially during summer break with my kids. This isn’t a blog about how I plan the day for my kids to make working from home easier for me. No, this is more about simple things I do for my own self-care. I believe the more grounded I am, the better I am for my family. I hope these can help another hot-mess-mama feel a little more grounded in their day!

1. Get On The Move – Whether it’s on my own, with a neighbor, or with my kids, I try to start my day with a morning walk. Exercise is the number one way to boost one’s mood so I figure I’ll be proactive by exercising in the morning in hopes of being in a good mood right at the beginning of my day. Some days my walks are only 15 minutes around my block, other days I walk for an hour. If I wake up cranky or I know I have a really busy day ahead of me OR if my kids are already grumpy, those are the days I need a longer morning walk! Not one for walks? Search YouTube and you’ll find all kinds of exercises you can do indoors!

2. Take Brain Breaks – For me, brain breaks are those moments I step away from my phone and computer. I put work aside and I usually take these breaks with my kids. Remember when I said part of the challenge is them vying for attention? My brain breaks give them my attention. And they are simple. I like and need simple. We eat ice cream outside together, work on our puzzle, blare music and sing along, play a quick game, or I just sit and chat with them in the middle of whatever they are doing. More structured people might schedule these in their days and let their kids know when they will be. I’m more of a I’m-reaching-my-limit-and-know-I-need-a-break kind of person so I tend to finish whatever task I’m on when those feelings start to creep in and then take my break. It’s almost like hitting the refresh button for all of us. It helps get my mind re-centered and my kid’s needs met all at the same time.

3. Change The View – If I’m finding myself particularly distracted while trying to get work done or I’m dealing with constant interruptions from the kids, I change my view. One of the things I like to do is take my work outside and move the kids outside with me. They can grab some sidewalk chalk, a book they are reading, a ball, or their swim trunks while I grab my laptop and phone. They play independently while I breathe in some fresh air and enjoy some sunshine. I also grab my phone and laptop and sit on my bed with the door shut! Usually the pups join me.


See! I told you they were simple!

To end, I have one more thing to say… Be gentle with yourselves! If working from home is new to you, give yourself a high-five for every day you make it through. It’s not easy. But you’re doing it! You’ve probably been doing it for a couple of months already. If you miss your office, don’t worry. You’ll be there again one day! Until then, take care of yourselves and give yourself credit where credit is due. You’ve got this!

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 I’m Erica. I’m a midsize fashion blogger from Southern CA.
I started on Instagram because I wanted people like me to see someone they can relate to! I’m over 40 and a mom of 4 boys so I share tons of easy recipes and outfit ideas too!

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